
Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie

Régi cucc, ami csak nekem új. Dr House egy másik élete.

Old stuff which is new for me. Another life of Doctor House.


Villamosos üldözés / Tram pushuit

Have a good evening!

In current days, while the criminal acts are spreading, the daredevils of the gangland invent newer and newer ways to deliver their deeds.

The following police recording proofs that criminals are not picky about the vehicles they use during robbery.


Happy debugging

#define TRUE FALSE /* Happy debugging, suckers! */


Editing JPEG DPI without resampling

The title is the naive search term for a problem. The good search term - or Google power phrase - is Exif editor. The best of the results which simply solves the problem is the Exif Pilot on an Exif editors page. Enjoy!

P.S.: I decided to publicate the fruit of every hard and exhausting search on this blog. Maybe it is not good for the regular visitor, but I'm sure it helps the Universe in general. :-)

--- Hungarian version

JPEG DPI szerkesztés: Ez a jó neked: Exif Pilot az Exif editors oldalról.


Welcome to Ruby

myString = "Welcome to JavaScript!"
=> "Welcome to JavaScript!"

myString[8..20]= "Ruby"
=> "Ruby"

puts myString
=> "Welcome Ruby!"